Global technology leader Software AG and Data Cloud company Snowflake recently announced the expansion of their premium partnership to the Middle East at GITEX Global. StreamSets,  by Software AG, will now provide improved user productivity through ‘Transformer for Snowflake’, harnessing the power of cloud for Software AG’s Middle East customers.Read More…

Redington has highlighted its key role in extending the reach of Microsoft Security solutions through its Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP) brand, DigiGlass, at GITEX Global last week. This collaboration leverages Microsoft’s substantial investments in cybersecurity and combines them with DigiGlass’s strengths, positioning both entities as leaders in delivering cutting-edgeRead More…

On the sidelines of GITEX GLOBAL 2023—the largest information technology exhibition in the Middle East—Positive Technologies has agreed on partnership with eight providers of cybersecurity services and solutions to develop cooperation in the region for the promotion of modern products and exchanging experience in the field of cybersecurity. The companyRead More…